4th AdUp transnational project meeting was held in Vienna (hosted by VAEV). It was the first meeting when partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Austria, Lithuania and Italy came together. (The first three meetings were virtual).
The key objectives of the meeting were to discuss the project’s progress, monitor the quality of produced results and financial management, as well as to plan further activities while preparing for the delivery of AdUp MOOC. During the first session the developed AdUp Training and Assessment materials were reported and the results discussed. A consensus was reached that the IO2 is completed and finalised.
The next session was dedicated to the implementation of the MOOC platform. The work plan was presented and discussion on the platform’s implementation took place, the development of additional MOOC learning materials and possibilities/ways to make videos discussed.
During the third session the contents and organisation of the upcoming LTTA event in Cham, Germany was considered.
The second day of the meeting devoted to the IO4, which is to promote and facilitate the valorisation of project materials (diagnostic tool, modular course, MOOC). Three subsequent, interrelated activities: a) the creation of a Certificate Supplement (template), b) the development of a sectoral recommendations paper to impact adult education providers’ approach to assessing and improving their workforce’s didactics competences and c) the composition and circulation of a Statement of Support and the creation of a network of AdUp adopters were reviewed.