The 5-th (final) transnational hybrid project meeting (TPM) took place on the 14th February, and was hosted by Alytus Vocational Training Centre (APRC).
The 5-th (final) transnational hybrid project meeting (TPM) took place on the 14th February, and was hosted by Alytus Vocational Training Centre (APRC).
Extra Transnational hybrid project meeting, hosted by the Greek partner PROMEA, was held on 15 – 16 September, 2022.
4th AdUp transnational project meeting was held in Vienna (hosted by VAEV). It was the first meeting when partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Austria, Lithuania and Italy came together. (The first three meetings were virtual).
A third virtual transnational AdUp meeting was successfully completed on the 22nd November, 2021, with all partners attending.
Il kick-off meeting del progetto si è tenuto virtualmente, a causa della pandemia di Covid-19, il 22-23 ottobre 2020. Tutte le organizzazioni partner erano presenti. I partner hanno discusso degli obiettivi e del piano di lavoro del progetto. Il secondo giorno dell'incontro l'attenzione si è concentrata sui risultati intellettuali e sulle attività di disseminazione.